Monday, May 24, 2010

Dream Job

Describe your dream job. A few things you will want to mention are:
- what will your "duties" be
- how much will you make?
- where will you work?
- why do you want this job

Remember, you probably will not ever get your dream job, but you can learn a little about what you are looking for in a career through thinking about it.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Teachers Choice Blog April 29

Today I would like you to give a brief summery of Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure. Please write 3 paragraphs.

Paragraph 1 - Intro to what you watched, who's in it.

Paragraph 2 - Summary of the movie, what happened.

Paragraph 3 - What you like, didn't like and would you recommend the movie.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wilderness First Aid day 2

Practising spinal boarding.

Wilderness First Aid day 3

Greetings Leapers,

             I hope class has been going well the last 2 days and you have made good progress on your outdoor ed assignment.

            Today i learned how to take blood pressure, cleaned a wound on a pigfoot and learned how to treat hypothermia. I attached 2 videos of the pig foot and 1 picture of a hypothermia wrap.


Wilderness First Aid day 3

Greetings Leapers,

             I hope class has been going well the last 2 days and you have made good progress on your outdoor ed assignment.

            Today i learned how to take blood pressure, cleaned a wound on a pigfoot and learned how to treat hypothermia. I attached 2 videos of the pig foot and 1 picture of a hypothermia wrap.


Friday, April 23, 2010

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Teacher's Choice - Week of March 29th

Option #1 - Mr. Forsdike and Mr. Cates were away on Monday and were very proud when they heard their students had behaved well. Imagine that their students did not behave well, and tell a story about something funny that could have happened.

Option #2 - Imagine that your superhero discovered a weapon so powerful that it could kill anyone on the planet. What would your superhero do? Would they destroy it? Would they use it to control humanity? Would they use it to destroy humanity? Tell a story about this scenario.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Villains (Antagonists)

Paragraph One - What villain (or antagonist) do you think is the best, or most villainous? Why?

Paragraph Two - Create your own villain. What would his/her/it's name be? Why would they be a villain? What would they try to do?

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Teacher's Choice : Your Superhero

Create a Superhero and write about him/her/it. Here are some details you may want to include.
- Name
- Secret Identity
- Describe the costume
- Describe their powers
- Villains they face
- The city they protect
- Their height, weight, etc.

Make sure this is in paragraph format.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Teacher's Choice Week of March 1

Option #1 - Was the Canadian program "Own the Podium" a success? Did Canadian athletes show that we are the best in the world? What do you think the biggest triumph of this Olympics was for Canadians?

Option #2 - What sport do you think should be a part of the next Olympics? What would the rules be? Who do you think would win?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Teacher's choice February 16th - Superhero Movie Sequel

Part 1 - Summerize Your Favourite Superhero Movie

Part 2 - If you had to write the sequel to this movie, what do you think would happen? Write 2 paragraphs about your sequel.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Teacher's Choice February 8th

Option #1 - What if you decided to become a super-hero with no powers like shadow hare? What kind of crime would you try to fight? What would your costume look like? What kind of weapons would you use?

Option #2 - Do you think average citizens should be allowed to fight crime? Should people be allowed to take the law into their own hands? Why or Why not?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Teacher's Choice - February 2nd

Option #1 - Who is one of your heroes?
- superhero, sports hero, real life hero
- what do you admire about this person?

Option #2 - Would you ever try to save a baby from a burning building?
- Why or why not?
- How would you handle it?

Monday, January 25, 2010

Blog's for Exam Break

Teacher's Choice
Option #1 - Who would win in a fight between Wolverine and Batman? Why? What would happen?
Option #2 - If you could have superpowers, what superpower would you chose? What would you do with those superpowers?

Reading Blog
Read a comic book and summerize it in a blog.

Your Choice
Anything you wantt

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Teacher's Choice Week of January 18 - Olympics and Getting out of School

Greetings LEAPers,
You have two options for your teacher's choice blog this week.

Option #1 - Should teenagers be forced to stay in school?
In 2005, the Ontario government passed a bill that forces students to stay in school until 18. The government hopes that it will increase the number of students who graduate high school. Previously, students only had to stay in school until 16. What do you think?

Option #2 - The Winter Olympics
The 2010 Vancouver Olympics are slated to start on February 12. An organization called Own the Podium has set a goal that Canada will finish first in the medal count.
A few questions you could answer in your blog entry are:
- Are you excited about the olympics?
- What is your favourite olympic sport?
- Do you think the Canadian Olympic Hockey Team will win?
- Do you think Canada will finish first in the medal count?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Teacher's Choice Week of January 10 - SMART Goals

This week your teacher's choice blog should be about setting goals for the new year. You should have at least 2 academic goals and for each goal, and explanation for how you are going to reach it.

Remember to make them SMART goals
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = AttainableR = Realistic
T = Timely

Here's an example of what you could write.

I am currently getting a 65% in English. My goal is to raise that mark to 70% by the end of January. One of the reasons my mark is low is because I have not done all my blogs. To reach my goal, I will make sure I do all of my blogs for the next month.

Mr. Cates mentioned that I would do better in Outdoor Education if attended class more often. My goal for the next month is to only miss 3 days of school. I will keep track of this on a recipe card so I know how I am doing.