Sunday, January 10, 2010

Teacher's Choice Week of January 10 - SMART Goals

This week your teacher's choice blog should be about setting goals for the new year. You should have at least 2 academic goals and for each goal, and explanation for how you are going to reach it.

Remember to make them SMART goals
S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = AttainableR = Realistic
T = Timely

Here's an example of what you could write.

I am currently getting a 65% in English. My goal is to raise that mark to 70% by the end of January. One of the reasons my mark is low is because I have not done all my blogs. To reach my goal, I will make sure I do all of my blogs for the next month.

Mr. Cates mentioned that I would do better in Outdoor Education if attended class more often. My goal for the next month is to only miss 3 days of school. I will keep track of this on a recipe card so I know how I am doing.

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