Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treat and Zombies?

This past weekend very relaxing for me. On Friday night my wife and I stayed home and watched a movie. We watched Dawn of the Dead from 2004. My wife hates scary movies, so I was pleasantly surprised that we watched it.

I really enjoyed the remake of George Romero's Dawn of the Dead. The choice of music was excellent, ranging from Johnny Cash to more hardcore genres. The plot had less similarities to the original then I expected. Really, the only thing that was the same was the fact that the survivors gathered in mall.

My favourite part of the movie was when one of the survivors turns into a zombie and then has a zombie baby. That is the first time I've ever seen a zombie baby. I also enjoyed that the lead character was played by Sarah Polley, a Canadian actress/director. The ending was creepy and left me unsettled.

Overall, Dawn of the Dead was a good zombie movie. Like most zombie movies, it was cheesy at times, but the acting was good and the special effects were great. I would recommend it to people who like horror movies as well as newcomers to the zombie genre.

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